5 Benefits of Protecting Your App

Mobile apps have become an essential part of our daily lives. We rely on apps for everything from communication and entertainment to banking and shopping. However, as apps handle increasingly sensitive data and functionality, it is important for developers to implement proper security measures. One key way to safeguard apps is through a technique called “App shielding.” This article will explore 5 main benefits of shielding mobile applications.

1.  Prevent Reverse Engineering

One of the biggest threats to app security is reverse engineering. This is the process of taking apart an app to understand how it works at a technical level. Hackers use reverse engineering to find vulnerabilities they can exploit. Things like hardcoded passwords, encryption keys, and backend APIs are all at risk if an app’s code can be easily analyzed.

App shielding makes reverse engineering much more difficult by obfuscating code and resources. Variables and functions are renamed to meaningless gibberish. Code is restructured and reordered. This “shields” the true nature of the app from would-be hackers. Even if an app is decompiled, it would be nearly impossible for someone to make sense of the scrambled code.

2.  Deter Fraud and Tampering

In addition to protecting sensitive data and functionality, app shielding deters fraud and tampering. Without proper protection, apps are vulnerable to attacks like code injection. Hackers could potentially modify an app’s code or behaviour after it has been installed.

For example, someone may try to alter the code of a banking app to bypass authentication or access restricted areas. Or a game app could be changed to give unlimited in-app currency. Shielding makes it much harder for bad actors to modify a live, deployed app since the code is obscured and protected. This maintains the integrity of the user experience.

3.  Prevent Piracy and App Repackaging

Unfortunately, app piracy and unauthorized repackaging is still a major problem for developers. Unscrupulous actors will take a legitimate app, remove licensing checks and monetization, then redistribute for free or with added malware. These costs developers lost revenue and damages their brand.

App shielding acts as a deterrent to piracy. By encrypting code and resources, it becomes nearly impossible for someone to extract all the necessary files and repackage the app. Any modifications would break the app or trigger security checks. This protects developers’ intellectual property and monetization strategies.

4.  Enforce Licensing and In-App Purchases

Licensing and in-app purchases are essential revenue streams for many apps. But without the right security measures, these systems are prone to hacks and cracks that allow unlimited or unrestricted access.

App shielding validates that the code running is a genuine, unmodified version each time the app launches. It also checks for jailbroken/rooted devices that could bypass protection. This enforces licensing agreements and ensures in-app purchases can only be accessed legitimately through the app itself. Developers can feel secure that their monetization is fully supported.

5.  Provide Tamper Response Capabilities

Rather than just making an app difficult to tamper with, shielding also enables active tamper responses. If unauthorized code modification or device jailbreaking is detected, the app can be programmed to respond accordingly.

For example, a banking app may log the user out and wipe sensitive data if tampering is found. Or a game may detect cheating tools and lock the user’s account. This introduces consequences that deter bad actors. At the same time, legitimate users are protected from any security risks or policy violations introduced through app tampering.


App shielding delivers multiple layers of security through code protection, integrity checks, and tamper responses. The benefits of preventing reverse engineering, fraud, piracy and enforcing in-app systems make it an essential technique for any developer concerned with app security and monetization. Strong application shielding helps create trusted, safe experiences for users while supporting developers’ business needs.

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